Steve Karel

Steve Karel

Steve Karel

Steve Karel is a true original and has built Stonecutter from the ground up into the leader it is today. Steve is an innovator in the business of programming and distribution marketing & promotion and live event production and promotion.

Karel’s ability to produce and distribute more than 500 program titles annually through domestic and foreign media outlets did not happen overnight but is a result of hard work that began with 16 years of executive experience in network sales, programming, and operations with ABC Television Network. He continued to build on his experiences as the Managing Director of Television and Video for General Media International and Extreme Championship Wrestling. Steve Karel’s libraries of program content total more than 5,000 hours. Steve Karel is the owner of numerous ring sports franchises, and the Media Director for the nationally televised MMA brand King of the Cage.

Today Steve Karel continues an aggressive and tireless presence in media and entertainment.  Steve Karel has most recently been retained to bring monetization in the world of Pay-Per-View (PPV) and Video On Demand (VOD) for feature film producers/distributors such as: Multicom Entertainment Group, CJ Entertainment America, FilmRise, Xenon Pictures, Medallion Releasing, and Video Services Corp. just to name a few.